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Tags: Inorganic Seminar

From respiration to nitrogen fixation, iron-containing enzymes catalyze some of the most critical biological processes. These enzymes exploit their complex protein architecture to manipulate the chemical properties of their iron center and execute a diverse array of biochemical reactions. The Bhagi-Damodaran lab is dedicated to elucidating the structural and mechanistic foundations of iron enzyme function and developing small-molecule discovery…
CO dehydrogenase (CODH) and Acetyl CoA synthase (ACS) belong to the ancient Wood-Ljungdhal pathway, widely speculated to have been the first metabolic pathway to develop in the earliest lifeforms. Early life forms were strictly anaerobic and this metabolic pathway allowed those organisms to grow solely on CO and CO2. CODH first catalyzes the reversible reduction of CO2 to CO. ACS then catalyzes C-C bond formation between CO and CH3 to form an…
Quantum technologies based on molecular electron spin coherence afford unique potential in miniaturization, spatial localization, and tunability through synthetic chemistry and biomolecular integration. However, many applications within molecular quantum information science hinge on slowing down spin relaxation, a process that effectively leaks quantum information into the environment. Additionally, applications such as quantum sensing with…
Heme enzymes mediate a plethora of paramount reaction pathways in a wide variety of organisms, including humans, wherein dioxygen activating heme enzymes are prevalent.[1, 2] Interestingly, a number of pivotal geometric and electronic parameters in concert fine-tune such heme centers for their specialized reactivities, which strongly modulate the reactivity properties of their relevant reaction intermediates. Dioxygen activating heme enzymes…
Natural products (NPs) are a proven and paramount source of novel drug leads due to their structural complexity and diverse bioactivities. This complexity arises from unique serial enzymatic transformations. In my talk, I will discuss the biochemical and structural characterization of several key enzymes involved in the biosynthesis of various natural products. Highlights will include the exploration of a nonheme diiron monooxygenase involved in…
Gas storage and separations are vitally important to many areas of society. Though perhaps easy to appreciate the utility of storing gasses, separating one from another is just as significant. In fact, such processes are conservatively responsible for up to hundreds of billions of dollars of global commerce each year. Significant separations include isolating O2 and noble gasses from air, as well as isolating short chain hydrocarbons from one…
Solid-state batteries offer the promise of improved energy density and safety compared to lithium-ion batteries, but degradation of materials and interfaces can play an outsized role in limiting their performance. Here, I will present our emerging understanding of the key differences between how high-capacity anode materials behave in solid-state batteries compared to in conventional liquid-electrolyte batteries. The electro-chemo-mechanical…
While transition metals have played a dominant role in the development of dithiolene chemistry, their main-group element-based counterparts have received considerably less attention. This laboratory recently reported the first structurally characterized lithium dithiolene radical, via reaction of the anionic N-heterocyclic dicarbene with elemental sulfur. This radical provides an effective synthetic platform to access the largely unexplored main…
As our global population continues to grow and demand more resources, development of more advanced methods of chemical production and catalysis in an efficient manner are paramount. One such route to advancing catalysis in transition metal chemistry is to utilize not only abundant, inexpensive first-row transition metals, but also utilize more complex means of controlling chemistry around these metal centers. One of the principal challenges to…
In combating the global warming crisis, there is a particular interest in mitigating fossil fuel use as it remains a significant source of anthropogenic CO2 emissions. One solution for reducing fossil fuel emissions is the development of alternative fuel sources that are clean and renewable such as hydrogen gas (H2). Natural systems have evolved efficient machinery utilizing cheap, earth-abundant metals that can provide sources of alternative…

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Head of Chemistry: Prof. Jason Locklin