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Tags: Inorganic Seminar

Two-dimensional materials remain one of the hottest research fields for a few decades due to their emerging physical properties existing in a single atomic layer or a few atomic layers. After intensive research efforts, 2D materials started to find their applications in our daily life, such as in batteries, electronics, or even bulletproof vests. To turn on the functionalities of 2D materials, controlled synthesis of 2D materials is…
Radical S-adenosyl-L-methionine (SAM) enzymes form a large superfamily with >700,000 unique gene sequences. These enzymes catalyze reductive cleavage of SAM to generate a highly reactive 5′-deoxyladenosyl radical and catalyze otherwise chemically challenging radical reactions. While a large number of reactions have been reported to be catalyzed by these enzymes, the molecular details of the mechanisms by which these enzymes control the…
Members belonging to non-heme iron and 2-oxoglutarate (Fe/2OG) dependent enzymes are characterized by a cupin-fold structural feature and the use of a potent iron-oxo species to initiate the reaction. Fe/2OG enzymes are known to catalyze a wide variety of oxidative transformations including hydroxylation, halogenation, etc.  To date, an overwhelming number of genes (> 160,000) present in sequenced genomes are annotated as Fe/2OG enzymes…
Metalloproteins catalyze some of Nature’s most amazing and difficult chemical transformations. One such transformation, of interest to our laboratory, is the use of a high valent Fe-based oxidant to facilitate the functionalization of a traditionally inert C–H bond. Since this chemistry is vital to a variety of biochemical pathways, metalloproteins are recognized for their potential to build natural products with medical, environmental, and…
Actinide elements show a great diversity in their chemistry due to the complex structure of 5f electron shells and delocalization of 5f-electrons within the early actinide family. One of the most remarkable properties of the early actinides is a multi-valence accompanied by a great coordination diversity. For example, uranium demonstrates oxidation states from +2 to +6 in the solid state, where +4 and +6 are the most common and stable. In this…
Methane, CH4, is considered a pillar of the petrochemical industry. It is a major component of fossil fuels, a byproduct of waste decomposition, and a potent greenhouse gas. The potential of methane as a fuel source is greatly limited by the means in which this flammable gas may be transported. In this regard, functionalization of CH4 to yield products that are liquids under ambient conditions holds great promise. We have made efforts towards…
Nitrite (NO2–) reduction to gaseous nitric oxide (NO) is a 2H+/1e– transfer process that can be catalyzed by heme enzyme nitrite reductase (NiR). It is critical in maintaining the balance of the global nitrogen cycle because it is the first committed step in the denitrification process. In addition, despite the lack of an NiR, the high artery and veinous NO2– concentration (~ 500 nM) in mammals is proposed to generate NO as a gaseous vasodilator…
Metals are ubiquitous in nature. In fact, more than 30% of all proteins require a metal for proper folding or function. In this talk, I will focus on how my lab uses a range of spectroscopic characterization tools to define the role of metals on protein structure and formation of dynamic protein-protein complexes. In the first part of the talk, I will discuss the progesterone receptor membrane component 1 (PGRMC1) protein, which binds heme and…
Living organisms have evolved sophisticated systems to exploit unique properties of d-block metals for catalysis, cell signaling, and gene regulation. A challenge is how to efficiently and specifically uptake, excrete, and distribute/redistribute these low-abundance trace elements at the systemic and cellular levels. Transition metal transporters are central players in these processes by controlling the flux of metals across cell and organelle…
Human manganese superoxide dismutase is a critical oxidoreductase found in the mitochondrial matrix. Concerted proton and electron transfers are used by the enzyme to rid the mitochondria of O2•−. The mechanisms of concerted transfer enzymes are typically unknown due to the difficulties in detecting the protonation states of specific residues and solvent molecules at particular redox states. Here, neutron diffraction of two redox-controlled…

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Head of Chemistry: Prof. Jason Locklin