Congratulations to Dr. Todd Harrop of the UGA Department of Chemistry, who has been selected to receive the 2021 UGA Graduate School Outstanding Mentoring Award in the Life and Physical Sciences. This student-driven award recognizes excellence in a variety of mentoring functions to encourage and reward innovation and effectiveness in mentoring graduate students during their educational experience. Included in the criteria for nomination are excellence in research/scholarship guidance, positive impact on students individually and as a group, and assistance in career decision-making and advancement. Dr. Harrop was nominated by present and former PhD students from his lab for his encouragement, inspiration, and positive influence on their experience at UGA and beyond. Dr. Harrop teaches upper-level and graduate courses in inorganic chemistry, serves as the department's Graduate Coordinator, and is active in bioinorganic chemistry research. Dr. Harrop also is part of the Center for Metalloenzyme Studies, a centralized collaboration of UGA scientists interested in the role that metal ions play in key biological processes. He is the first faculty member from the Department of Chemistry to receive this award since its inception in 2006. To learn more about Dr. Harrop and his work, please visit his page at The UGA Honors Week video, "A Virtual Celebration of Academic Excellence," will premiere on the university’s YouTube page at 2 p.m. on April 21 to honor Dr. Harrop and other winners of the 2020-2021 awards for teaching excellence, research and public service. The Graduate School will host a virtual awards ceremony on Thursday, April 22, at 4:00 p.m. for the actual presentation of the award.